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Sources of Information
The taxonomy for the species has been taken from the Taxonomy database at NCBI.
Species are defined by a set of names. There are the scientific names of a species, there is the species abbreviation as used to identify Cymobase sequences, and we included common names. As some species are known under different scientific names, these alternatively used names are also included. Special cases are those fungi that exist in sexual and non-sexual states. The sexual form is known as the teleomorph and the asexual form is the anamorph. For unification reasons we use the teleomorph name as reference name although many fungi are commonly known under their anamorph name. The anamorph name is included in the species description.
In general, the nomenclature of the species has been taken from the NCBI Taxonomy database. Information about fungi nomenclature has been obtained from the Guidelines. Classification of Organisms: Fungi. that has been published by the Swiss Federal Office for the Environment FOEN. Another useful source of information about fungi has been Doctor Fungus.
Synonyms and Common Names
Common and alternative scientific names have been obtained from the NCBI Taxonomy database as well as from browsing through the internet.
Information about Species
Useful information about certain species like sources, medical and ecological impact, or differences to related organisms, has been collected from the NCBI Genome Project database, from the genome pages of the various sequencing centers, from publications, and the internet.